I've always had a thing for certain pop records. As a kid, I imagined every record came from England or Los Angeles fully produced and ready to hit the radio stations. Nashville was always the center of country, but as I tracked down records I liked, a lot of them had, to my surprise, come from Nashville. Everlasting Love, a Nashville record? Morning Girl by the Neon Philharmonic? Even Little G.T.O.? All done in Nashville.
I moved to Nashville for college and stayed. Since then, I've been lucky to meet and talk to a lot of those producers, artists, and songwriters who were involved in these sounds. We'll feature the pop side of Nashville, with some other sounds that came from Nashville that might surprise you. And we'll try to get the stories behind the songs from the insiders.
Hit the comments and tell me what songs you want to know more about. Let's do it!
I've always wondered who the female voice on the Neon Philharmonic's first album was. She's not listed in the credits. She can be heard prominently in "The New Life Out There" and at the end of "Morning Girl Later".